Fifteen cats that were left alone in an apartment in Yonkers will soon have new homes thanks to the quick response by the Municipal Housing Authority for the City of Yonkers (MHACY), Mayor Mike Spano and the Yonkers Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation.
On July 8 it came to the attention of MHACY that a tenant in one of its buildings was missing for 24 hours. When they went to the tenant’s apartment, they discovered 15 cats. While MHACY continued searching for the tenant, MHACY President and CEO Wilson Kimball reached out to Mayor Spano and Parks Commissioner Steve Sansone who, along with his staff, promptly removed the cats and placed them in the Yonkers Animal Shelter.
“MHACY wants to thank Mayor Mike Spano, Parks Commissioner Steve Sansone and the Yonkers Animal Shelter for their quick response in helping these cats and kittens,” said Kimball. “In recognition of the Yonkers’ Animal Shelter’s assistance The Mulford Corporation will be making a $5,000 donation to go towards the care and maintenance of the cats and kittens,” she added.
Anyone interested in adopting any of the cats please call the Yonkers Animal Shelter at (914) 377-6730 to make an appointment.
Click here for the Adoption Application: https://www.yonkersny.gov/home/showdocument?id=17439